Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blogging? What is that?

The Wijj is back! Or, Will Iversen for those not privy to the Wijj. I haven't updated in while. I felt very ashamed when I was looking at some of my favorite art Blogs, like Sinus Problems and Knotpile, go check em' out, and realized that everyone does a much better job of staying on top of this thing than I do. So this is me trying to do better. Call it a resolution for the new year if you want. I'm actually doing a lot of new things lately. I'm currently in my second term as a graduate student for Sequential Art at the Savannah College of Art and Design. What a mouthful! This was one of my projects. It's a rough style experiment and I will stress rough. I hope to share much more very soon.

1 comment:

Patrick Keck said...

Sinus Problems? Sinus Problem. Not plural. Keep it up, sir.